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      Azeus pellet mill is the leader in power saving, maintenance and efficiency for pelleting biomass and feed. Developed from a design concept proven worldwide, the range of Pellet Mills continues to expand. Design features such as overall reliability, maximum efficiency, provide lower operating costs to each pellet plant owner.

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    Wood pellet mill,Wood crusher,Wood pellet cooler,feed pellet mill,fish feed extruder,pellet packing Machine,Wood pellet production line,feed production line
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    During its 30 years of experience, Technic One has developped a large range of equipment. As for LEGO ® bricks, our Machines are easily flexbile and fit the needs of our customers. Technic One stands out for its ability to design, develop, manufacture and install customised smart industrial equipment. Thanks to its design office which is actually integrated into the manufacturing plant ...

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    production and assembly lines,conveyors, lifts, transporters,specialised equipment,folding Machines (textile),Zinc stripping Machine (cellhouse),Innovative Hot air Dryer (Dryer-One),stacker (textile),destacker (textile),Zinc brushing Machine (cellhouse)
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